How to Train Your Dog for the Canine Good Citizen Test

The Canine Good Citizen program (CGC) was created by the American Kennel Club to encourage dog owners to teach their dogs good manners. The skills they learn in order to pass the CGC test will ensure your dog is calm and well-behaved in any situation.

What is CGC?

dog awarded her canine good citizen medal

In order for your dog to successfully complete Canine Good Citizen training and receive their certificate, your dog needs to master ten skills. Before you start training, it’s helpful to know what will be expected of your dog. 

  • Accept a friendly stranger 

Your dog remains calm when a stranger approaches and talks to the handler in a friendly manner

  • Sit politely for petting

Your dog remains calm and seated while a stranger pets him/her

  • Appearance & Grooming

Your dog accepts being handled in a manner similar to the way a groomer or veterinarian would handle for grooming or an exam

  • Out for a walk

Your dog walks on a loose leash without pulling

  • Walk through a crowd

Your dog remains calm while walking through a crowd on a loose leash

  • Sit, down, and stay on command 

Your dog listens and responds to the “sit,” “down,” and “stay” commands

  • Comes when called

Your dog will come to you when called

  • Reaction to another dog

Your dog stays calm and behaves politely when approached by another dog and his/her handler 

  • Reaction to distraction

Your dog is calm and confident when faced with common distractions like loud noises

  • Supervised separation

Your dog can be left with a trusted person while maintaining their training and good manners

Training for the Canine Good Citizen Test

Once you’ve made the decision to start on the road to the Canine Good Citizen test, the first thing you need to think about is training. You can begin to train your dog at home if you choose. There are videos available online that will help you and your dog train for the test. It is key that your dog has ample opportunity to socialize with other dogs during training. Many dogs struggle with the socialization aspect of the test, so this part is very important!

Your best option is to go with an AKC approved trainer and evaluator who knows exactly what’s expected. Professional trainers have the skills, experience and patience to teach you and your dog everything you’ll need to know for the CGC test. Quality Dog Training will provide you and your dog proper training to ensure you are both prepared for the test. We offer an 8 week, one on one training course that focuses on training the 10 skills which make up the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. 

Once your dog passes the CGC test, they will be awarded with a certificate and you can rest assured that your dog will be calm and well mannered in any situation. 

If you are interested in training your pup for the Canine Good CItizen program, please 

contact us for more information. We’d be thrilled to help!

Pamela Larkin