
Griselle Vargas-Cumba

“I highly recommend Pam, she is dedicated, professional and a very knowledgeable trainer! Our dog Kenzi was a nut case before she came to Pam’s wonderful classes, now she’s on her way to become a good canine citizen. She is the only one we trust training our dog with and she loves her! Wonderful person!”

Kathryn Bellandese

“My dog Reva (German Shepherd) earned her canine good citizen certificate from Pam! Pam was very insightful and dedicated. Her skills as a trainer are above and beyond!! There’s nothing better than one on one training in my opinion!!”

Ed Whinnery

“Pam is a great trainer. She is knowledgeable and dedicated, she clearly loves what she does. My pup and I are much better off for having gotten to work with her.”